Monday, January 14, 2008

Txr- 002 Robot by Tomy Rc Mech warrior

TRX-002 Mech Warrior Rc Robot

This robot had 4 channels , 4 servos. I am unsure of how much it moved. I am trying to find a video. This item like most super cool ones was only avail in japan.


Chris said...

Did it walk? It's hard to tell from the pics. Also looks to be heavily influenced by the design of the ED-209 from Robocop.

Auginator said...

I actually have one of these! I picked it up when I visited Japan as a boy. Unfortunately, it did not walk, but rather rolled via three wheels on each foot. The center wheel of each foot has the motor in it. It basically moves kind of like a tank, but the body is articulated in a really cool way, so it swings it's hips to change direction.

The coolest thing about it was that there were all these different arms available for it. The arms are really easy to swap out, so you could set it up to do different stuff. For example, you could buy laser tag arms, which would let you play laser tag if you had two of the robots.

Of course I chose the BB Gun arm, which shoots air soft bbs from detachable magazines, and a sort of pneumatic punching arm, so that I could beat the crap out of my GI Joes with it.

The controller actually cost more than the robot, it is a 4 axis controller, which I guess was real expensive back in the day.

This guy sits on my shelf, deactivated because I can;t find the battery or charger, not to mention they probably don't work anymore!

It is awesome, and I love it nonetheless.

Andrew said...

I've wanted one of these for 20 years now. Its amazing, however, that there are virtually no videos of the thing online.

In the back of my mind I remembered that the only time I saw one move was actually in a made for TV movie, which after much searching I managed to find!! I hacked up the clips with the robot in it and put it on youtube, enjoy!!:

Piepsi said...

I was googling around to find some Infos about the TXR-002 (because recently I purchased one on Ebay) and hit this blog.
I don't received it yet and the seller didn't have the charger anymore, well, I think the batteries are dead anyway, but I'm hoping to replace them somehow.
And of course I'm also looking for the BB gun... so if anybody knows where to get it... please... :)

On YouTube I found this nice video:

Dan said...

I have one of these with the bb machine gun arm and 3 others

Dan said...

I own one of these its for sale it has 4 arms puncher, flashlight, machine gun, gripper for more information and pictures, I am in California